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Saturday, July 31, 2010

58 years

It has taken me most of 58 years to embrace the words of the first post ("Your life..."). 58 years of pointing to the world with a finger of blame, listening to myself as a victim, living in guilt, never being happy. Poor sad Steve was my theme, and it was reinforced by everyone, it seemed, and mostly my family...and I believed it.

What changed? Well, it took a while and a lot of painful work. But in the right season and in the right place I began to see that I was the author and creator of my experience. The world is innocent. All events are neutral, until I place value or judgment upon them. Then they are no longer neutral for me, and my judgment does not change the event. The point is not to change what is out there in the world, but to change my mind, to discover the truth that is true always about me.

It took 58 years for Sad Steve to become Happy Steve. It was time well spent.

1 comment:

Rhonda Key Youngblood said...

Don't you love those glimpses of heaven. Thanks for sharing this, Stephen. I am looking forward to more blogs from you!