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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Morning Prayer

Source, Creator, God , Goddess, All That Is, Abba,
I am ready to be all that you created me to be.
I choose to remember that I am effect and not cause.
Your will be done, knowing that your will is my full happiness.
Reveal then the path through which that happiness can be fully known,
For my way has never worked, but yours always does.
Therefore Father, bring each moment to me that I may learn anew to love, and allow that love to transform this momentary experience in to that which extends the good, the holy and the beautiful.


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Location:5th Ave,Sacramento,United States

Monday, August 15, 2011

Universal Conspiracy

When we have made a commitment to awakening we find that the Universe is already conspiring to bring people and events into our lives, on moment-to-moment basis, that can best provide us with exactly what we most need to become aware of.

These are your messengers.

Through your messengers that which causes you to finally be responsible and honest about where you are will be brought up within you.

And this is where your commitment to awakening holds you steady. In this commitment you finally decide to not leave the room when the shouting begins - that is, the shouting within your own mind. You at last decide to stay, asking "what is this experience, this Messenger here to teach me?"

Now you can allow peace, where there once was none, knowing that the conspiracy of the Universe is bringing you home.


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Location:5th Ave,Sacramento,United States

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You, Love, God: One

Remember, your suffering has come only from the illusion that you are separate from the One Presence, subject to the ravages of time, the insecurities of the world, surely to become a victim of death. The whole time, in reality, you are the power by which you choose that belief.

Love does not resist anything. Love embraces all things. Love desires all things. Love awakens to the truth that only God is. And God would embrace the totality of His creation through you, as you, in you, for you and for Himself/Herself. For there is no difference between God and you. You ar that One.

How does an awakened one live? Any way that the awakened one wants to. No longer will we live in questions about what we ought to do. No longer do we live in questions of what went wrong. Rather you live in the purity of the power of the one question that God dwells within constantly:

What do I want?

Here, in perfect surrender, is the mind returned to pure desire - not the desire to gain for a separate self, but desire for that which expresses the totality of God. "What do I want?" is the question that God asks himself as you.

(The Way of Mastery)

Bless you today.


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Location:Panera, Sacramento, CA

Monday, August 8, 2011

Inner Silence

Inner silence is the threshold to divine wisdom and requires the cultivation of deep self-honesty, where the mind is no longer committed to hiding from it's own darkness.


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Friday, August 5, 2011

Transformation 101

Transformation is not about gaining power. It is about releasing illusion. The way of transformation is not a way in which you finally make the world conform to the way you want it to be. Rather, the way of transformation is that pathway in which you learn to dissolve from your mind and therefore transcend every perception that is out of alignment with what is true.

The thought of death is out of alignment.
The thoughts of fear are out of alignment.
Thoughts of scarcity are out of alignment.

Thoughts of love, of unity, of peace, of innocence, of forgiveness are in alignment.


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Location:Hacienda Del Valle,Peralta NM, United States

Thursday, August 4, 2011


The world you see is nothing more than the effect of the thoughts you have held within the mind. Awakening, then, requires vigilance and discipline to cultivate a way of living in which you observe your own thoughts, you listen to the words you speak, you observe the feelings that are evoked within your body, and the reactivity that seems to own you. And to see all of it as innocent and simply self-caused. Then it is simply a matter of choosing again.

Location:Hacienda Del Valle,Peralta NM, United States

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Healing occurs to the depth and degree that the mind is willing to embrace what occurs within it.

Self honesty is the greatest act of love that you will ever experience within yourself - greater than any sexual union, greater than any adulation of the world, and greater than any mystical experience. Embracing deep self honesty is the greatest act of love the mind can experience. For in perfect self-honesty, the world is transcended, fear is dissolved and enlightenment is present. And in enlightenment there is perfect innocence in union with God.


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Location:Hacienda Del Valle,Peralta, NM United States

What I Am

What am I?
A teacher of truth.
Words often fail me, or
Fly out of me, or
Simply aren't
So I muddle through
Each moment,
Sometimes brilliantly
A shooting star.
Sometimes awkwardly
A duck on land.
But muddling is my way.
I can teach only what I think
I know, living it, letting it live me.
Really, I know nothing:
Not what a thing is or is for,
Not you, not me.
This has been a rich lesson,
And I teach it daily.

Location:La Ladera Rd,Peralta,United States